• Blackcap
  • Wheatear

    Wheatear © D Jones

  • Lesser Black-backed Gull

    Lesser Black-backed Gull © R Campey

  • Skylark

    Skylark © R Campey

  • Pied Wagtail

    Pied Wagtail © R Campey

  • Fulmar
  • Puffin
  • Swallows

Bird monitoring and education is at the heart of our work. Fieldwork is rich and varied, which includes conducting a standardised daily census along our established transect, breeding seabird and productivity studies, systematic bird ringing and collating observations by visitors. There are specific research projects involving colour-ringing of Wheatears, House Sparrows, Starlings and Yellow-browed Warblers.

Each strategy has its purpose, and together help us to understand population and migratory trends. In turn, these valuable insights inform key environmental policies and guide authoritative bodies to take future actions to protect our natural world.

Our history

From 1947 to the end of 2022, bird recording on Lundy was coordinated by the Lundy Field Society (LFS), which published the annual Lundy Bird Report during this period. Tim Davis and Tim Jones served as Lundy Bird Recorders on behalf of LFS from 2008 until 2021, having taken over the voluntary role from Tony Taylor, who himself carried the baton for 23 years.

Early in 2023, the Bird Observatories Council accredited Lundy as part of the network of British & Irish Bird Observatories following a concerted effort involving many individuals and organisations. This was technically a re-accreditation since Lundy previously held Bird Observatory status until the early 1970s. The Observatory has now taken on responsibility for coordinating all aspects of ornithology on the island, including a daily census, an extensive programme of ringing, and preparation and publication of the annual Bird Report, working in close cooperation with the LFS, the Devon Bird Recorder and the Devon Birds Records Committee (DBRC).

For ease of access – and also to encourage entries from visitors – the island's logbook for bird and other natural history records is kept on open shelves in the Marisco Tavern. A logbook call-over, to which all visitors and island residents are warmly welcome, whether or not they consider themselves birdwatchers, is held in the Tavern most evenings, typically at about 8pm; the Observatory Warden will gladly provide further details. Additional information, following a visit to or stay on Lundy, can also be submitted to the Observatory Warden by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..